All Hermes lovers acknowledge that buying an Hermes handbag is an investment, a decision that needs to be carefully made before the big purchase. You find yourself asking questions such as what will I use the bag for? Is this the right color? Which size to choose? Hermes has a wide range of styles to choose from. If you are looking for a tote and are trying to decide on whether to splurge on the Garden Party or the Double Sense tote, below is our take:
Double Sens
- Unstructured, casual shape.
- Two colors in one bag.
- May be carried on shoulder for hands free option when needed. Great for shopping trips or with the kids.
- No inside pockets. A bag insert will be needed to stay organized.
- Because of its tall shape, finding items at the bottom might be a challenge.
Garden Party
- Structured shape. May be casual and more formal.
- Inside zip pocket.
- Items carried inside are easily accessible.
- On a heavier side. Best for short errands when full.
- Can be carried by hand, crook of the elbow or on shoulder(if really needed). The corners will hit everything around you.
- Both bags will make a smart handbag addition.
If you dress more casual and need to have your hands free at any given time, Double Sens seems to work best. If you prefer structure in your bag, easy access and a bit more of sophistication, Garden Party is the winner.